What To Expect in Erie PA

As a new patient at Lake Erie Spine & Injury Center in Erie PA, you can expect same day appointments if needed, a caring and courteous staff, a clean facility, caring and friendly doctors and prompt appointment times.
During your initial appointment at Lake Erie Spine & Injury Center, the Chiropractor will take a full patient history including History of Present Illness (HPI), past medical history, review of systems (ROS), surgical history, family history and social history along with current medications and allergies.
What To Expect on your first visit in Erie PA
All new patients are evaluated with physical examination, vital signs, orthopedic testing, neurologic testing and palpation examinations.
A working diagnosis is then determined and a medically necessary and appropriate treatment plan is then established based on the individual patient’s past and current medical history and objective findings revealed through examination.
Other factors taken into account is the acute, sub-acute or chronic nature of the condition along with any potential complicating factors, psychosocial factors, secondary gain issues and/or any co-morbidities.
We realize that all patients are different and should be treated accordingly. Therefore we do not use a “cookie cutter” approach to patient care.
The doctor will go over the recommended and individually tailored treatment plan with you so that you understand your diagnosis and condition as well as the recommended treatment.
Goals of Care
We will first educate the patient about what caused their condition or injury and how to prevent further injury or future occurrences. Passive care including therapeutic modalities will be implemented immediately to help aid in pain, spasm and edema reduction as well as facilitate and expedite the healing process. A series of specific chiropractic spinal adjustments will be used targeting areas with aberrant spinal and joint motion and mal-positioning to help improve spinal alignment, biomechanics and decrease associated nerve irritation. Manual therapy techniques and Neuro-musculo-skeletal re-education will be performed on surrounding musculature, soft tissues and connective tissues to help stretch, lengthen and balance supportive musculature and soft tissue structures. A functional rehabilitation program will be implemented to strengthen weak and inhibited muscles. Finally, we will introduce the patient to a broad-based home fitness program and educate them on Health and Wellness.
Short Term Goals
- Reduce pain, inflammation and spasm
- Increase ROM and spinal joint bio-mechanics
- Increased activities of daily living
- Reduce need for pain medication, muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory medication
- Identify social and personal stresses, postural faults and dietary needs
Long term goals
- Return to pre-injury status
- Implement broad based fitness program
- Resume normal activities of daily living
- Educate on living a healthier life style through diet, exercise, posture, maintenance/supportive care and nutrition.
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:30am
8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Lake Erie Spine & Injury Center
1005 Peninsula Dr
Erie, PA 16505